"Arise! Awake! And Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached" – Swami Vivekananda

Ramakrishna Mission Lumdung

(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Howrah, W.B.)

PO. Seppa, Dist East Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh - 790 102

First Ever Annual Athletics Sports Meet Of Shishu Vidyamandir Was Held On 17th December 2019

Physical Education is an integral part of the total education system. For the first time, Annual Athletics and Sports Meet of Ramakrishna Mission Shishu Vidyamandir was held on 17th December, 2019 with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere at GSS playground, Lumdung. The Opening Ceremony commenced with a speech and kick-off by Swami Sarvagananda, Secretary, RKM Lumdung along with the presence of other dignitaries (Ex-Minister Sri Hari Natung ji, Sri Mape Natung ji & others respected personalities) which was followed with the oath-taking by all students, teachers & staffs. Rev. Sw. Sarvagananda delivered the message of Swami Vivekananda who encourages the youth to be more active in physical activities & to be the change makers for tomorrow; and emphasized on the vital role of sports in the student’s life for developing discipline, the spirit of sportsmanship, practice restraint and leadership etc. The Chief Guest Mr. Vikash Singh, DFO, Seppa, East Kameng later joined this great event and encouraged students also. The track events were started which include 100M, 200M, relay, lemon spoon, sack race, musical chairs, two legs race etc. All sports events were played and enjoyed by students. As this type of sports meet is seldom organized by the local schools, this was an enchanting event for villagers and the guardians. It mesmerized the guardians and local audiences. Prizes were awarded among the winners by the Chief Guest, Secretary Maharaj and dignitaries. At the end, Tiffin was provided among all.



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